Want More Races? We have some news!

Published by naughtyjester on

In this series of blog posts, we’re going to focus on each race one by one. Their strengths, their weaknesses, and what makes them play differently from the others. The first stop is Humans.

We have News!

So, want some more races? Yeah, we have 3.

When we first started designing this game we had a lot of brainstorming sessions on what races should be included. 

As you can imagine there are a lot of choices. We ended up with about 18 random ones, 12 that we thought had some good promise and 5 that ultimately needed to be in the base game. One of the tricks is to figure out races that not only do we want to play but also that have abilities that would make play interesting. That was the most important thing, making sure each race plays differently.

Anyway, we had 5 but we’ve also been working on a few of the others and have decided that for the Kickstarter we’re going to release 3 more. These will be extra and aren’t required to play the game obviously. They just had a few more options for those that want to give them a shot. The next few blog posts will go into their abilities just like the last few but for now, here’s what’s coming out.

Orc Image


The orcs, big difference: They’re bruisers that have wolves that can take a bite out of the competition.

Dark Elves

Dark Elves

Apparently innate magic isn’t actually against the rules. 


Then the elves, tough to hit and easily slide around obstacles.

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